Tuesday, July 28, 2009

The Sheldon Art Galleries

Sheldon Art Galleries
3648 Washington Boulevard
St. Louis, MO 63108
Directions: Half block west of Grand Avenue on Washington Boulevard
Admission: Free

The Sheldon Art Galleries is a collection of six galleries of over 7,000 square feet exhibiting photography, architecture, St. Louis artists and collections, jazz history and children's art. The galleries are an addition to the original Sheldon concert hall, nicknamed "The Carnegie Hall of St. Louis." The original Sheldon ("Walter" Sheldon Memorial) was built in 1912 by the Ethical Society of St. Louis and was designed by the 1904 World's Fair architect Louis C. Spiering. In 1964 the Ethical Society moved to St. Louis county and sold the Sheldon. Between 1964 and 1991, the concert hall was owned by a number of private individuals before being purchased by the Sheldon Arts Foundation. In 1998 an expansion was built that included the art galleries.

A few galleries are consistent in theme: St. Louis Artist, History of Jazz, Photography, Architecture, and Children's Art while others are more varied: Nancy Spirtas Kranzberg and Ann Lee and Wilfred Konneker galleries. The Sheldon does not have a permanent collection which can make visiting more enjoyable when every few months there is something new.

During my visit the gallery that really caught my eye was the History of Jazz Gallery. As a former brass player (trumpet, baritone, trombone, and tuba) I enjoyed the variety of horns on display. I also enjoyed the Nancy Spirtas Kranzberg Gallery which is displaying (until August 15) photos taken on November 2, 2008 containing work from both local and regional artists. Photographers donated their works and proceeds from their sale will benefit the American Diabetes Association.

For an eclectic collection of exhibits and works I would recommend visiting the Sheldon Art Galleries.

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