Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Hello. Thank you for stopping by my blog. This blog is about St. Louis, Missouri. Sort-of.

The purpose of this blog ranges depending on who you are and what you might be looking for. Personally, it has been my excuse for visiting a number of interesting museums, art galleries, and places that I either have not previously visited or simply not visited with the intent of telling others. For you, my guest, my goal is to provide answers to the simple question of, "What is in St. Louis?" Even more specific, "What is in St. Louis that I don't have to pay for?" Free is always a price people seem willing to pay. My goal is to illuminate some of the "city's" hidden destinations as well as remind you of some the area's more recognizable gems.

I feel that I must mention one stipulation when it comes to what I am presenting. Everything here is not in the St. Louis city limits. While I have ventured into St. Louis County on occasion, I envision that is the extent to which I travel outside of the city. I do not anticipate exploring (for this blog) the western Illinois counties opposite the Mississippi River but never say never.

With that being said, please enjoy this modest blog of places that I have been and places I encourage you to visit. Thanks for stopping by and go have a great trip.

Last but not least, I will close with an open plea to all visitors to let me know of any place you have visited that was free and you really enjoyed.

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